
Monochromatic drawing or painting - from $1500.00

Full-Color (Pastels or Oils)

Head and Shoulders (16” x 20”) - from $ 2200.00

Half-Figure - may include one or both hands (22” x 28”) - from $2800

Three-Quarter Figure (24” x 36”) - from - $ 3800.00

Full-Figure - Priced by Specific Project

Sizes are approximate, and may vary according to compositional considerations.

Each additional figure - Add 75% to original price.

Animal Portraits - 75% of above prices

CORPORATE/PROFESSIONAL PORTRAITURE - Pricing to be determined based on specific project.

Above prices apply to simple or vignette backgrounds.
For special elaborate backgrounds or smaller or larger sizes - Price to be determined on an individual basis.

Additional charges for travel and shipping may apply.

Framing cost is not included, but at the client’s request, the artist will help the client to select an appropriate frame.


30% deposit, due in advance

Balance is due upon the client’s approval of the finished portrait

If the client declines all preliminary sketches or cancels the project after commencement, the artist may retain a portion or all of the deposit to help cover time and expenses.

If the client requests any major changes after the painting process is underway, there may be additional charges.

The artist retains the copyright to the finished portrait(s), which may not be reproduced, except with the written authorization of the artist. The artist may use photographs of the work in portfolio or promotional materials, including websites.